Book Review: Under The Dome by Stephen King

Under The Dome by Stephen KingIf I were ever to be given the opportunity to meet and interview just one contemporary author, it would probably be Stephen King.  His writing output and his creative mind are incredibly inspiring, and I’ve read and become caught up in many of his novels.  I’m always struck by the way he manages to avoid clichés and instead crafts inventively apt metaphors and similes time and time again.

Under The Dome is epic.  Just in terms of size, it’s nearly 900 pages long.  I picked up a paperback copy in a charity shop for 50p (an absolute bargain for such a monster!) but I’d recommend getting it in eBook form if you can as it’s pretty heavy.

It’s also epic in terms of scale.  The novel tells the story of a town suddenly trapped under a mysterious invisible force field, nicknamed The Dome.  In true King style, it doesn’t take long for law and order to start to disintegrate and for the dark sides of ordinary people to start to show.  The ever-increasing body count keeps you wondering who will be next to drop; King has no compunction about encouraging you to become attached to a character before brutally killing him or her off.  No-one is safe from the writer’s axe. More

Book Review: The Drowning by Camilla Läckberg

The Drowning by Camilla LackbergAnonymous letters.  A mysterious murderess with long black hair.  Four friends with a dark secret in their past.  A small, close community who are intent on getting to the bottom of the ever-stranger turn of events.  What more could you want from a novel?  Perhaps a cast of characters who are all-too real, their interactions and reactions meticulously and sensitively observed?  You’ve got it.
